Has CBS gone to the dark side?

I have Spectrum TV. Recently, I lost my link to CBS in Channels DVR. It is one of the local stations I should receive, however, when I scan Spectrum as a source, it says that CBS is not part of my lineup.

Since is is part of my package lineup, has CBS added blocking the way NBC has done?

I guess I really don't understand why these networks are blocking access to their channels when they are supposed to be free over the air channels anyway!

Very frustrating!

Rescan locals

Under dvr web ui > settings > advanced > experimental > toggle Local Networks via TV Everywhere off then back on. Some users have reported they sometimes get missing local channels back by re running it like this.


Thanks for the tip. I tried that a couple of times and even rebooted my computer but still shows CBS is not part of my Spectrum lineup - even though it is. I have the Spectrum DVR service, but prefer the DVR through Channels.

I hate it when my toys don't work!

Thanks for the help, though!

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Assuming you are scanning from the webadmin? Is your computer at the same location as your server? I had issues in the past trying to remote manage using scan and it was mucking up the some of the local channels (would show a PA channel on the Florida Server I was remote managing). Once I VNC into a local PC where the server was and did the scan, it worked fine then.

When you select Support > Troubleshooting from the DVR web UI, does it show any warnings or errors?

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Hi, Yes scanned directly from my computer. The server on my computer is on the same home network with my TV and other devices. I appreciate the help!

Yes CBS is very limited as to the providers that they have deals with, when I had AT&T U-verse I could get it via TVE but recently we were switched to Hotwire which is a community-based fiber TV delivery system and they do not have a contract with CBS.

No, no warnings. I've rebooted my computer. Unchecked the TVE box and nothing has changed.

I appreciate all the replies and help. At current rate, I will be down to Pluto and Plex soon! :slight_smile:

Sorry if you said you did this arleady, I did a quick scan.

Have you gone to https://www.cbs.com/live-tv/stream/tveverywhere/ and logged in with your Spectrum credentials and been able to watch via web browser? If you login and get an error about no access, then it's something in between spectrum and CBS.

Interestingly, I tried it out with my FUBOTV credentials and was able to watch CBS, but it was streaming WUSA (Washington DC) and I'm currently in Western NC. Very odd.

I haven't, but I'll try that. Will let you know if it works. Thanks for the advice!

So just tried your idea. When I log in through my cell and put in the code given, it says, "you're in."

But on my TV, there is a message: We're sorry, your current TV provider no longer offers access to CBS. Please connect a different TV provider to watch live TV and thousands of episodes on demand now.

That's strange because I get local channels, including CBS, if I watch through the Spectrum app on my TV.

Thanks for the help, though!

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You can reach out to Spectrum and let them know what your experiencing. No idea how responsive their tech support is, but at least you can make sure they are aware of the problem.

The ability to watch through your cable/OTT provider's own app, and the ability to access it through TVE are two completely separate issues. Access through TVE requires separate carriage agreements, and it looks like when Spectrum renewed their agreement with CBS, they did not include all CBS affiliates as part of the agreement.

I thought there was no TVE on local channels via TVE Sources
and that it was only available via the "Experimental Local Networks" or HDHR

The TVE for local networks is the same as the setting in the Experimental section.

Also, when enabling that setting, make sure you are connected to your server over HTTPS, as it relies upon geolocation, and most browsers will not allow geolocation without a secure connection.


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