Kids Fire tablet missing movies and episodes

@DriVeR the issue is that your DVR library is quite big, and the Fire tablet device is running out of memory while downloading the list of episodes and movies. This is why it appears empty. Then the client receives updates about content and downloads those updates individually, which makes them start to appear.

We will need to investigate further how to mitigate this issue for large DVRs.

I have tried the beta loads near, either before or after the last 4-5 stable load going back to v2023.09.11.2351, and they all act the same.

I was just about to ask if I could try the same thing for my Server DVR, that I host on a Sysology NAS. Would need advice on getting the beta load files onto it, to see if rolling that back would help. Let me know if I should try that.

I did note I have a large library a few days ago, I must say I am surprised as there is over 500meg of memory available on the tablets and it says Channels is only requesting/using ~75megs.

Is there a setting to allow the app to use more memory? As I checked in developer mode and there is over 500megs free..

I take it forcing kids mode did not limit the memory pull, to only kids tagged movies and shows?

Any advice for what "quite big" is? Is it just number of recordings, ie each episode of a show = a movie?
Would it be of value to try and slim my library down?
To what target 1000, 10000, 32k recordings?

I think you're looking at storage space but the error is a OutOfMemory error due to RAM usage

You could try spinning up a test dvr with only kids content as a way to slim things down

I am sure it was RAM 500Meg left of the 2GB. Required developer mode to see it.

Appreciate the idea, but I am not that SW skilled. Need a few more details on how I would you spin up a Test DVR? Can you have 2 Instances running at once on the same computer/NAS?

You can install a copy on another computer or NAS. Or on an existing NAS you could use Docker to setup another installation.

I started up your docker image in bridge mode, with port 8088 linked to 8089, and can get to it from web browser at IP:8088, but how do i get the tablets to connect? They cant find the bridge IP nor the use a different port.
The main DVR is at the same IP:8089, so the tablet chooses that one...

This is supposed to work:

Settings > [Channels Logo] > At Home > IP:PORT

I might have found an additional bug then in the FIRE version. In my case it cannot find the docker when I specify the IP:PORT. Yet I can get to it via a web browser on a windows computer on the same network.

Are you getting a message "A Channels DVR server was not found at" or something else?

Can you open the IP:PORT in the browser on the tablet itself?

What are you running the Channels DVR docker container on?

If it's a Synology NAS, you have to use host mode instead of bridge mode networking for the container.

Correct I get `"A Channels DVR server was not found at IP:PORT" message.
Yes, on the tablet browser I can get to the admin page also.

I tried that first, but when I made on in host mode and set the port 8087->8089, I could not find the container from web browsers. I later read the port mapping doesn't work in host network mode..
Do you have advice on settings to host a standard DVR and a container from the same NAS? Dont think it will work if they both want to use port 8089.

Can you submit diagnostics after seeing that error message

I'm uploading a new beta apk which has some changes that may help. Kind of a shot in the dark so probably won't make a difference but you can try it.


I see, this must be some Synology thing as @chDVRuser suggested

You can run in host mode, but set an env var CHANNELS_PORT=8088 on the docker first

First load of beta 8-28, seemed to crash/close after I entered large library DVR IP. Relaunch appeared frozen for quite some time at a particular step, then loaded but same behavior no movies and single or no episodes on TV shows.

Well that fixed the Docker/tablet connection and will get my kids patched up at bit. Lost all my actual Channels kids TV show recordings, as they live on the main server channels DVR folder, and the tags/movie match corrections and pictures are all gone, but I'll let the Docker re-learn my kids movie and TV library imports and they'll be back in business by the weekend.
Thank you Aman!

Would love to see a permanent solution, but I understand weak tablets are low priority. Still shocked no one has 40k recordings and uses FireTV sticks which come in 1/2GB flavors to run into this issue first.

It's not just Synology. Also affects Mac and Windows.
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