Provider - Hulu Live TV

Yes, I tried incognito in Chrome and I tried Safari

I am having the same issue. I foolishly deleted the Hulu source since I had many channels that did not work, and now I cannot get the source added at all. I can log into the Hulu Live website. I opened Chrome incognito and logged into NBC. I had to enter the code from the email for both but it works. I have both the Hulu and NBC sites open and when I try to add a TV Everywhere source to Channels and log into Hulu I get the authorization issue Rrb2153 is getting. Not sure what to try next.

I don't use Hulu, but have seen a few users saying this worked for them.

Thank you. That's actually what I did. I deleted the Hula as a Source, then tried to re-add it. It won't authorize. Version 2022.12.12.0138. New install of Chrome (fully up to date). Able to log into Hulu and NBC. Updated Password on Hulu and logged into both Hula and NBC. But no joy trying to add Hula as a source. Appreciate your help, though.

Just wondering if you go to your Hulu account and add the code it sends to your e-mail directly in hulu.

Kinda a backwords way of doing it I guess.


I got the damn thing to work. I went into Hulu website and deleted all the web devices on my account. I changed the password on Hulu and now it works. I am thinking that since I have Disney Plus and Hulu Live with TV, the user and passwords are the same.

Yeah they did that to me a few months ago. But I only had to change my password. They didn't tell me I had to. I tried to log into hulu from the website and it forced me to change the password.


I have not been able to enter a code on the popup when it gives me the error. It looks like a screenshot, and I can't get it to take the code, even though Hulu sends the email. And when I try to log into the site directly it always lets me in so there is not anywhere to enter the code. It's like the addition of the source is causing it to send an email, but I don't get to see the website to enter the code, only a screenshot. Unless there is something to do to allow me to enter the code that I don't know.

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My screenshot was from the hulu website to enter the code in. Once you do that then try to add the user and password in channels.


Thank you jxxaxxy!! Your help was the key! I looked through all the devices on my Hulu account, deleted an old TV Everywhere device, re-added it, and it all worked. Since I had already changed the password, it did not even ask for validation!

Thank you so much!


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That's why I posted this above Provider - Hulu Live TV - #107 by chDVRuser

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You're right, I was just not smart enough at that point in time to completely understand your post. I missed the "from Hulu" at the end. Thank you.

Either way glad you got it working.

I am also glad. I learned a lot by going through it, and would not have gotten there without you guys to help. So appreciated.

No problem Glad you got it working.
Like I said, I don't use Hulu so was just posting the link of a user that fixed it.

Going to move this thread to the end of the Official one so other Hulu users will see it

Thanks! You nailed it!

My Channels Server is on a Synology box that has no web browser.

My Hulu account got hacked. Hulu Support made me change my password 9 times, tried to baby-talk me into typing the password without errors, and then admitted that my account was hacked. They switched to a new email address. So now I am online again with a new account.

In channels running on the Synology, when I add the Hulu Source, Hulu demands that an emailed verification code be entered. Channels is not capable of sending that code since Channels is not a full web browser. The Hulu account admin webpage has no way to change or disable the security, and no way to enter the code from the admin screen. The "add your device" code is only for Hulu apps running on a device--the emailed verification code does not work there.

So I think this problem is unsolvable. I'm not going to request that Channels add a little browser into the TVE routine because it seems like a lot of work for just little ol' me. Unless...

Does anyone else have Channels Server running on a linux box they control remotely via web interface? And Hulu? <crickets>

I have a Synology NAS using Hulu TV and was able to add channels. I recall having to login to Channels one time on another computer in the same network at home and then when I went to rescan it did fine. That was probably 3-4 weeks ago, so I may be misremembering the steps.

However, right now when I try and re-add the NFL channel, I get an e-mail sent to me with a one time code so clearly in that situation, it's looking to validate through a webpage which does me no good since my NAS doesn't have the ability to have a web browser within the NAS environment.

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Thanks, jator. Nice to know I'm not alone on this.

I think the Email Verification is new to Hulu. And the forced password changes. A few weeks ago, all my TV stopped getting Hulu (an "unknown error on our end. Try again later.") and it took me an hour to figure out that they invalidated my password and required a new one.

Perhaps they had a data breach, and they are trying to quietly mitigate it.

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