Provider - Spectrum

No, the list does not show FSN-Wisconsin. If I could figure out how to print a web overlay, I could PDF it and post it here (if the forum allows PDF's).

for god sakes take a screenshot! a screen shot like you posted above.

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I think Aman had fixed this once based on the post linked to earlier in the thread, last year in June.

Their schedule shows the game on Fox Sports Wisconsin
MLB: Reds vs. Brewers FSWI 11:10AM

You can click and drag your mouse to highlight text, then copy and paste it in the post like this
6197 FS1
6198 FS2
6199 BTN not in subscription
6200 DEPORTES notAuthorized: This network is not included in your current television subscription.
6201 FS-SOCCERPLUS notAuthorized
6202 FS-COLLEGE-ATLANTIC fs2go: not-entitled
6203 FS-COLLEGE-CENTRAL fs2go: not-entitled
6204 FS-COLLEGE-PACIFIC fs2go: not-entitled

Was the screenshot a couple posts up from yours what you were looking for? I suppose we were posting at nearly the same time.

lol, yup we did.

Looks like the Regional Fox Sports Networks have gone missing.
Don't know what's going on with them. If you search the forum for Fox Sports there are lots of posts with people having issues who are told to submit diagnostics to the devs and then the thread ends there.
One person mentioned loosing FS-Wisconsin 5 months ago

Click rescan next to 6201 and 6202

Did nothing for me using v2020.07.30.2221
So updated to v2020.08.06.1811 and tried again.
Still no change and I rescanned 6201,6202,6203,6204
6201 FS-SOCCERPLUS notAuthorized
6202 FS-COLLEGE-ATLANTIC fs2go: not-entitled
6203 FS-COLLEGE-CENTRAL fs2go: not-entitled
6204 FS-COLLEGE-PACIFIC fs2go: not-entitled

I thought doing that might add the FS Regional channels to my list (like the NBCSN Regionals 6170 NBCSN-PHILLYPLUS notAuthorizedLocation) even if they show as not authorized/entitled

Strange thing when signing out of foxsportsgo it gives me this message
To completely sign out of your XFINITY account, go to and click “Sign Out”.
so appears it leaves me logged into my provider still.


Rescan 6203 as well then click Support > Submit Diagnostics at the top right

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Log submitted

Any resolution on whether we'll get this back, or have all channels users just lost regional sports?

Mine are still working and I think others have commented that the one missing for you still works for them. So I don’t think it’s a widespread issue.

That's strange. Can you think of a reason why it wouldn't be working for just one channels user?

Is the quote thing broke again? It seems to come and go.

Discourse will autoedit your comment if you quote the previous post in it's entirety.

Screenshot_2020-08-11 Provider - Spectrum

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What's discourse and why does it autoedit the comment?