Provider - Spectrum

Please use this thread to discuss experiences and channel availability for Spectrum.

Current Status: Spectrum and Spectrum Online: All subscribed TVE channels should work, but Spectrum's authentication servers are easily overloaded and sometimes suffer outages. Use the pencil icon and Edit button to re-scan channels which do not authorize during the initial scan.

Select your provider here Channels Support - TV Everywhere Availability to see what channels might be available with Channels DVR TVE


So I just set up TVE a few minutes ago and am not seeing all of my channels that are available through Spectrum’s app. I’m trying to understand how this works. Is this a technical issue?

That channels don’t come from Spectrum’s app, They come fro the individual channel website. What channels are you missing? All A@E don’t stream live.


The channels available are those that spectrum supports via TV Everywhere.

The ones you see in their app are coming directly from them. I know it’s confusing. But providers have different licensing deals in place with every way they provide channels.

You can learn more about how it works in a Channels here: What channels are available?

Oh... Well a few say I’m logged into too many streams at once? Like Cooking Channel. But the channel I really want is AXS TV. I don’t think they have a direct stream though.

So essentially, if I can get all the channels that TVE offers DRM free on my Prime, then TVE won’t really be much use to me?


If you can get all of your Spectrum via Prime and DRM FREE then you will definitely get more channels. Of course you have to pay for Spectrum TV and the Cable Cards which might be a higher cost than using OTA and a streaming service like PS VUE. I was like you with FiOS CC DRM Free but the cost for this was much higher then I wanted to spend and I did not like be tied to my ISP for this. But it does have more channels.

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Ok but does the Vue service work the same way? Meaning does it use the login info from Vue and get the streams directly from the apps themselves?


Only from the apps

I recommend you read the first 3 topics in this category for yourself to fully understand appreciate what TV Everything is all about. But yes, you use your PS VUE LOGIN Credentials for TVE in the same way you use your login with your Spectrum Credentials. You can easily test this without changing anything by starting a trial of PS Vue and/or any of the other Streaming Services.

As I said you will for sure get more channels using HDHomerun Prime and a Cable Card with your Spectrum TV Service. But, if you want to drop your Spectrum TV Service and you want to continue to use Channels DVR then this is a good option. The biggest issue I have is that Channels DVR TVE does not support LOCAL CHANNELS. You are required to get LOCALS (CBS, NBC, ABC, etc). via an Antenna or some other source because they are not supported via TVE. Of course you can also use the Stream App to watch locals if they are support via that app. PS Vue does have locals but multiple others do not. Again, do a trial of what you are interested in (FREE) and see for yourself if you like it.

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It will be of use to you when the Prime tuners are not available. Tv everywhere is unlimited

A bunch of my channels are showing the error "authz retries failed".
Logging into the websites work just fine.

I have been trying individual channel rescans for the past week or so but no luck. Error log is the following:
"2019/08/23 10:29:39 action=authz_retry err=notAuthorized: We're sorry, something didn't work quite right. Please try again."

Has anyone using their Spectrum login been able to get NBATV authenticated and working? All I have ever gotten is the error "preauth: notAuthorized" but if I use my same credentials on the website or AppleTV4k app it works fine.


Works for me. Hadn't even checked till i read your post. Opened up a steam and it is working fine.

Spectrum login was giving me challenges early, but once i was able to get the channels authorized i have had zero issues.

Good luck

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Thanks for the confirmation! I'll keep trying to authorize though I haven't had any luck thus far. I have tried at all sorts of random times over the last month or so.

I had the TV Everywhere source working, with some quirks, then it suddenly stopped working altogether. I tried restarting the service, rebooting the server, and reinstalling Channels. Same results every time now. When I attempt to add a source using my Spectrum credentials, I get an error dialog with "chrome auth_timed_out", and an image containing a screenshot of the Spectrum logon dialog containing an error message: We're sorry. Something didn't work quite right. Please try again later. ELI-9000

I also tried this with Edge with the same results (including the chrome auth_timed_out message...)

The try again later message is coming from Spectrum. Too many attempts can lock your account and you have to wait and try again after some time.

I tried another experiment, which was to intentionally provide bogus credentials, and the result was an appropriate "doesn't match our records" type of message, with an error code of ELI-1010.

When I tried my credentials it this morning, it worked! Maybe there was an actual issue on the Spectrum side, who knows...

I have more questions, but I'll start new threads for them.

Thanks for your attention!


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I have the same situation as Jay343, I removed the TVE login, tried to recreate it and get the same login error. Tried in chrome and IE. I can log into spectrum tv on the web fine and my Ipad Spectrum TV works fine also. Do you know whats up?

Are you able to login to and watch tv?

There is an outage according to the Spectrum support: HBO, Showtime, and other "Premiums"

I am having the same issues as the others with the ELI-9000 error, and no I am not able to login when using the -> Link TV provider.

Same error.

Hopefully Spectrum will fix their issue soon.

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