Provider - YouTube TV

OK now I'm having the same issue. I'm trying to add YTTV to my sources remotely (meaning from somewhere outside my home), and I'm getting stuck on the NBC captcha screen. I've logged into the NBC live website with the email address, logged into YTTV on my phone then tried to add the source, and I'm still getting stuck at the same point (the NBC captcha screen).

This is getting frustrating, so if someone can help, I'd appreciate it.

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How did you get YouTube TV added as a source? I can't even get that far to check...

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You need to state what you tried and what happened (or what was expected, but didn't happen)
Besides this topic, there are support Channels Support - TV Everywhere and knowledge articles Knowledge Base - Channels Community available

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Just canceled my Fubo TV account and signed up for YouTubeTV. I am also having the Captcha issue! :frowning:
This is very frustrating!!!

Probably should have tried the Youtube TV before canceling the Fubo TV. It has been known for a while that Youtube TV is not easy getting it to work with Channels due to Youtube TV login requirements/security.

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Not sure if you're seeing the latest topics on the forum.
They tend to get scattered about.

Was this removed? I do not see it on my setting page.

Do you have a TVE source?

Currently, no. I am guessing that is why it is missing from my page.


A bunch of my YouTube TVE channels disappeared today. All the locals and CNN and MSNBC. Probably more than that.

Did rescans but they haven't showed back up. I can log on to CNN via the app with my YouTube TV account, however.

Edit: By deleting the YouTube TV source and re-adding it and then doing a scan, I got the channels back. Went from 90 to 158.

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I'm still having this same issue as well. Channel streams stopped working, when I rescanned the channels I went down to 90 from about 160, and then I removed the YTTV source and tried to re-add it and I cannot because I get the NBC Catcha every time. I've logged into NBC several times, I tried logging into YTTV on my phone, I've reset my YTTV password, 2FA is off - nothing works so far, I still get the NBC captcha and cannot login.

Real bummer since I haven't had any issues for the last 18 months. Will keep trying, seems somewhat random.

I'm using Youtube TV with TVE and I'm getting 162 stations including the usual plus locals.

I had this same problem, and was finally able to resolve it. If you are running this on Windows, deleting the YouTubeTV folder from the C:\ProgramData\ChannelsDVR\data\chromedata\ helped with this issue. I had to do this to get YouTubeTV to add, then had to do it again for channels that failed authorization during the initial scan.

Oh my god, I can't believe this worked. It worked! I spent the last week trying every single thing that people have been putting down for the past two years (browser / device / log-in workarounds), and nothing worked. I was going to make a very grumpy post, but you totally made my year! Thank you Eric!

I know there's going to be a million people who scan and look for solutions. Here's my configuration when it worked (note: may not require all the silly workarounds but I left them in there since it worked for me):

  1. Created a non-2FA user in my Google family
  2. Make sure you are using the Pre-Release build dropdown for the channels DVR
  3. On the same browser in a different tab, log into NBC Live and NBC Sports Bay Area Live. (I left the channels running in the background once logged in)
  4. On Channels DVR, Log into YouTube TV, let it do its scan (mine came back with 157 channels)
  5. If you find it didn't log into NBC Sports, you can try rescan (for the individual channel). It didn't work for me
  6. Go to C:\ProgramData\ChannelsDVR\data\chromedata\ and delete the YouTube TV folder
  7. For NBC Sports Bay Area & NBC Sports California, go to Source > Manage Lineup > Scan > scroll down to the channels, then select the gear and Rescan
  8. It should now show a check mark!

NBC Sports Bay Area URL

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Glad to help! I have a long way to go to make up for all of the things I've learned here in the community.

Hi all,
I want to thank everyone for the help here in the community.
YTTV is doing great here, and what I don't get from the provider, I grab from Philo.

So for channels, I keep getting this google prompt to select account. As you can see I only have 1 listed. Also I log in locally on the channels machine, incognito and leave it up. No VPN. Also wipe out the YouTubeTV chromedata folder. Still no avail. Any tips to get around this? Thanks!!

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support, I submitted bb130c66-b7b0-486a-804e-f0467279614e for this issue.

@dennisjbr having the same problem. submitted 60de10a4-513b-44c1-aa77-9a69d63b71fc

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Currently getting a new issue on some channels using youtubetv on pre-release version 2023.02.17.1927, the local channels and espn espn2 espnnews disney so far. When I try to open the channel it says tuner unreachable, in the log it shows this:

2023/02/18 20:00:34.643955 [TVE] action=page_ready
2023/02/18 20:00:34.644048 [TVE] action=wait_for_page done=true reason=page_ready
2023/02/18 20:00:34.644061 [TVE] action=fill_form
2023/02/18 20:00:34.645894 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:34.645940 [TVE] action=wait_for_auth timeout=24s
2023/02/18 20:00:35.695953 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:36.703169 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:37.715324 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:38.724092 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:39.728670 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:40.734777 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:41.797671 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:42.807977 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:43.859338 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:44.871192 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:45.874709 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:46.886380 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:47.910217 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:48.924520 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:49.975280 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:50.982080 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:52.011165 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:53.017543 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:54.053304 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:55.071091 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:56.098605 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:57.101246 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:58.128527 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLogin missing"
2023/02/18 20:00:58.655656 [TVE] action=auth_timed_out
2023/02/18 20:00:58.655738 [TVE] action=screenshot
2023/02/18 20:00:58.708806 [TVE] action=screenshot size=36503
2023/02/18 20:00:58.708914 [TVE] action=capture_html
2023/02/18 20:00:58.794084 [TVE] action=capture_html size=1989022
2023/02/18 20:00:58.988685 [ERR] Could not start stream for TVE-YouTubeTV ch6140 ESPN1: TVE: Cable provider authentication failed
