Stirr for Channels

Yes, both the Pluto container and the Stirr container are running on my Channels DVR machine (Windows 10, Version 2004, Build 19041.928).

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For what it is worth, my container is running on Ubuntu Linux and I am seeing the same issue.

However, I just checked it again and now it is working as normal. Strange. I didn't touch a thing.

Interesting...I just experienced the same working.

Will take a look today!


Robbiet480, awesome. Stirr for Channels works! I have 122 channels and a full EPG. Two issues (small): I made a bunch of recordings, and they all have that annoying "interruped" flag, although I can't see that any of the show was missing. Secondly, the audio on some of the ads and promos (before and within the show) is missing, but when the show strats up again, its fine. BTW, thanks again.

I recommend setting the stirr source to Never refresh url. I updated the server to the latest pre-release and I guess it reloaded the m3u. Later while in the Channels App on my Shield, Channels was not responding well. Looking at the guide, every strirr channel was repeated 20-30 times making the number of channels in the guide huge. Had to reboot the Shield and reboot the stirr container to get things back to normal.

2021/04/25 14:11:01.634400 [M3U] Refreshed lineup for Stirr with 854 channels

@tmm1 found the bug I introduced when fixing the channel ordering and has fixed it. New version will be available in ~10 minutes from now.


Wow your fast.

Ok I did the correction & stirr works, but no guide data in cdvr, but funny thing is I get guide data in emby. Any suggestions anyone? I'm lost.

Upgraded to the latest image and not having the exponential channel issue any longer. I'm not having the guide issue like you.

You might try Delete and Recreate Database option under the Guide section on the server and test again.

It didnt work so I'm thinking maybe just delete the docker & tuner & try again.

Got it fixed. Had to delete & re add. Thanks.

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I got everything working finally by stopping and deleting the Stirr and Pluto docker containers, re-pulling them, and then repeating the setup. Instruction a few posts back walk through all the steps... similar for Pluto.

Has anyone set this up for Fire TV Cube and Fire Stick 4K? I've got my docker container running just fine on Docker for Windows on Windows 10. I'm getting all the Stirr Channels but what's interesting is, on both the Fire Cube and Fire Stick, when I load Channels and go to the "On Now" section, there are no graphics popping up in the boxes for each channel. When I select the channel as well, no info loads on the time bar. The only channel where everything is normal is "Deal or No Deal". When I load my channels app on my iPhone 7 however, all graphics and info show up. It's very strange. Has anyone else noticed this using the Fire Stick 4K or Fire Cube?

I'm enjoying having Stirr added to my selection of channels. Thanks for doing this. The only thing that isn't as good as Pluto is that the art work shown for programming in the Guide seems to be a static image for a whole channel instead of an image pertaining to the actual show that is in that time slot. You end up doing double take looking at it because it doesn't match. Its definitely better than nothing or a logo, but would be great if this could be artwork for the actual show.

I just don't favorite any channels with Stirr and Pluto and I just use the guide with the page up/down feature.

Hello All, I am having an issue, I'm was wondering if anyone else is having a similar problem, I am watching Comet on STIRR everything is fine till a commercial break it will lock up or re-start with the audio about of sync, to correct this i just arrow back and select the channel again, I have Docker running on Windows 10, the streaming device is a firestick , here is a copy of the logs
it says Error during live stream, this was on Comet but it happens on other STIRR channels as well

[TNR] Error during live stream for ch9890 COMET: write tcp
An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

@Jimmy64, have you updated to latest server pre-release? Devs have been doing a ton of work there related to this issue. I was having the same on Pluto and the latest version resolved my issues. Haven't noticed anything on Stirr (though admittedly very limited tests).

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I don’t use favorites anymore at all, but using collections with Stirr and Pluto along with other sources.