TV Everywhere Experiences (Internal Beta)

I've submitted a couple reports via and am wondering if they're being looked into and if I also need to post here or email you or if I should just keep checking for new pre-release versions, check this thread for updates and will never hear from you about my issues?

Right now I have a lot less TVE channels than I did at launch time and I don't see any response to my feedback so assuming you're overwhelmed and are catching up on replies...

Discovered a situation this morning which I'm assuming is where the "priority" of the sources comes into play.

We always record "CBS Saturday Morning", however this morning I noticed right away that instead of recording it off the local CBS affiliate, it had recorded it from the TVE source, CBSN (CBS News). The CBSN source is very compressed and pixelated so it was easy to tell right off the bat that something was different.

When I went into Channels setup, I noticed that the Verizon X-TVE source was listed first with my two HD Primes listed second and third. I've now changed it so that the Verizon X-TVE is the third source after the HD Primes, so I expect that this will prevent this from happening in the future. Correct?

If this is the case, it probably would make sense to default the newest source added at the bottom of priority list instead of the top. Then this issue would have been avoided completely.

One question, the CBS affiliate is selected as one of my favorites in the Channels interface, so I had kind of assumed that would come into play when deciding on which channel to record from, but apparently not. I don't have the CBS affiliate selected as a favorite on the page, would that have made a difference or not as to the priority Channels assigns?

Also when watching the recorded X-TVE version of CBS Saturday Morning, we were about halfway through the program and when I went to fast forward, all of the sudden the progress bar showed the program as being very near the beginning (first minute) of the program. But in reality, it had jumped us nearly to the end of the program, missing lots of the program, so something got screwed up when watching the show. I was able to get out of it and back in and find where we should have been in the program to watch it, but it still felt like the progress bar was not accurately reflecting where we were in the program.

I added the TVE source yesterday [Spectrum] and everything worked very well. Tested many of the channels and all seemed to work. This morning, there two channels were not showing in the favorites view of the guide (FS1 and FS2) although they were there last night and working great. I think that they just dropped from favorites, but i didn't take the time to check. Given this is beta, i thought i would just update and re-add the TVE source to see what happens. My observation and questions:

  1. I hit the trash-can button on the source, it changed but did not go away. Is this the right way to delete the source?
  2. At least two channels failed to connect that worked before: ESPN and Science (seen in the logs, says i am not subscribed. I am BTW). (ESPN2 and other ESPN channels loaded correctly)
  3. FS1 & 2, are both there and checked as favorite in the DVR, but this did not translate into the ATV app(s). I can find them in All Channels and they work fine.
  4. All of my previously selected favorites were still there from the previous version, so i assume you are caching that info somewhere. Perhaps that is related to what I am seeing on the client side.
  5. Notice that when i had two streams of the same channel on two TVs, they were about 10-15 seconds out of sync. One is wired and one is wireless, so that could contribute. Just curious, in that case do you use two streams from the provider, or does the DVR handle that with the shared tuner functionality?
  6. Happy to take any guidance you have or test whatever you like on my config. Love this.

All of my ATVs are running the latest full release of Channels. One is a fresh install, most of the others have been running for years. (4 ATV4, 2 ATV4K).
DVR is running on Synology 916+
Don't use the IOS versions much, but have them loaded on several iPads and iPhones

Fox News Channel TVE guide info is wrong today, it's showing some childrens programming ("Floogals") in the guide when it's normal Fox News programming.

Is there a difference between:

TV Everywhere

Any chance you could add support for Canada?

Thanks, it looks like a great feature!

9 posts were split to a new topic: TVE Beta: Recordings causing problems with Windows Explorer

Would like to see support for Canada as well, if possible, thanks.

Thank you for this solution. I was contemplating picking up PSvue to try it out. Now that Philo activation works, I was able to use that.
So far this works great

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I come home tonight after being away and my Fox News and Fox Business TVE channels have disappeared.

The Fox News channel entry on both the guide and quick guide has totally disappeared.

The Fox Business channel entry has only a number (log) and when trying to tune to it says "Tuner Not Responding'.

So something clearly wrong here.

Edit: stopping and starting the Shield client and the channels reappeared.

Not sure if we can support Canada but we will look into it.

It would be helpful if anyone in Canada could email with their cable company name along with a list of websites for the major Canadian channels where you can use your login to watch live tv.


Keep getting this I doing something wrong??

(This happens right after I sign in with my username and password for my provider)

mkdir /data/local/tmp/chromedp-runner930094578: permission denied

Is the WD PR2100 NAS supported for this feature?

You're using a SHIELD which is not supported.


ahhh...ok...thank you! :slight_smile:

I haven’t had this happen more then once, but I was recording a show that was 60 mins long, but when I went to play it it said 30 mins. The weird thing is when I went to play it in VLC on my computer the entire show was there but it was reading it as 7 hours. So idk myabe it didn’t write the time correct or something else. Hasn’t happened since even on the same show since.:man_shrugging:

Having the same issue. Have multiple shows that have the incorrect length and/or have dozens of "Recording ended prematurely" log messages. Submitted the logs via the feedback form last night

Will fix for next build.


This is the default, but apparently not if you've never set the priority on any of your tuners before.

Yes favoriting on either or on the dvr web UI would have told the dvr to prefer recording from that channel.

Okay, however the CBS local affiliate has long been a "favorite" as it's on my "favorites list" so it should not have selected the version on the CBSN channel if that's the case.

However, switching the priority order did result in a proper recording of "CBS Sunday Morning" this morning so that resolved the issue.

You had it favorited on your tv but not on your dvr.

Just updated to v2019.06.16.1712 and tried to add TVE DVR.
Appears something is crashing as it doesn't complete, tried three times, filled out online feedback form.

Update: v2019.06.16.1955 Much Better! Only missing 10 channels I subscribe to now.