TVE - CBS/Viacom channels going away?

Comedy Central just shutdown for me. Is there anything channels dvr can do to fix this. maybe add the channels back similar to how locals work? between this and the discovery channel issues, I am loosing all of my channels and this is an issue for me and my family. Signing up for another streaming service is not an option for me at this time.

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They need to recode their Viacom/MTVN TVE integration to point to their new API endpoint with the required X-TVE headers to get the new stream URLs and adjust to the differences in the fields in the json response. The GUIDs for their channels haven't changed, so hopefully they can reuse much of the existing code.

The Discovery networks thing is a seperate issue only affecting DIRECTV Stream's login portal. Another user said they were able to get Discovery to work if they selected DIRECTV instead of DTV Stream as their provider.

I would not depend solely on Channels DVR TVE. It's always going to be Beta, until it's gone.
Disappointing? Yes, but that's the way it is.


Thanks for the heads up on what is involved. @tmm1 Please take care of it.

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It's only a matter of time when until the major content provides like ESPN and Max/Discovery are gone. If @tmm1 and the Channels team doesn't develop a new 'turn-key' system that uses both TVE (or what's left to it) and Chrome Capture, and has the features that the current Channels system has today, I can see users like me who don't have the coding skills to play with Chrome Capture, will be forced to bite the bullet and actually use the 'live TV' streaming systems we are already paying for.


Comedy Central, BET, and others are back in the latest pre-release.


Thanks for bringing these channels back.


comedy central is working thanks. still having issues with discovery though.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Troubleshooting TVE stream ending prematurely

It is worst now ....

This build should resolve this issue.

This is unrelated to the TVE channel authentication.

I don't know what this means and I don't see any recent diagnostics from you.

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Logs have been submitted as a5e5e1fd-9728-4068-9b85-80ef4d9580fe.

@Edwin_Perez your Xfinity authentication is failing for some reason.

Thanks @eric I re-ran scan this morning and is looking good.

Everything authorized and it was quick.

Thank you so much. What a relief. Some of these channels are a deal breaker for me and was looking at going back to YTTV… ugh I’ve been saved!! lol thank you!!

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how do we get this build? I'm still having issues watching certain channels (MTV) and I would like to get them working if there is a beta version that allows for it.

Here are the instructions:

A post was split to a new topic: Troubleshooting ESPN