Gotcha. I didn’t even know that was feature. I will try that! Thanks!
Yes it works, at least with YouTube channels that have a livestream going. And if it has multiple livestreams, then the Kister Method defaults to the first one.
Here's a thread with more YT livestreams. This is fun stuff
Had the same problem with TWiT yesterday since I always use the videoID with the kister method. I never understood the advantage to using the @(channel name) method until now.
Any chance there is a step by step for dummies (myself) to get the TWIT stream working in Channels?
First just add it as a Custom Channel, here is the m3u:
Then if you want guide data too, it’s a bit more advanced but manageable via docker and portainer. Do you have any experience with those?
Thanks for the info, I will add the custom channel. I do not have experience with either. My Channels is also on an M1 Mac if that makes any difference to adding the guide data.
OK yeah, start with this. This will start the channels you add via the Kister Method at channel 60000. You can obviously start at other numbers, just change the URL:
That worked for the live channel, thank you @Fofer I put it at channel 1.1 so it shows first in the guide.
OK great!
Now if you want the guide to reflect the recurring TWiT schedule, follow the instructions here:
Download the files, and use to enter the commands listed.
Running this docker container will result in a new file created: ical-to-xmltv/data/basic.xml
The full directory is what you will enter in the Custom Channel page for XMLTV Guide Data.
Mine looks like this: /Volumes/External HDD/Channels DVR/ical-to-xmltv/data/basic.xml
@tmm1 is there any way that you could put this up on docker hub so we can just pull it in from there?
Does everyone need to have their own docker running to generate the calendar feed/program guide data? Couldn't it just be run by once instance and hosted externally for everyone to pull from?
Yes, that’s essentially what @HankLloydRight shares so graciously via for Pluto and Stirr. I requested privately to see if he could add TWiT to that mix too awhile back but it didn’t work out. But maybe someone else with a similar server setup wants to take a stab at it?
I apologize in advance if this is beyond the scope of this thread... I've got the docker running on a Raspberry PI and it's generating the basic.xml file in its data directory. What's the best way to then get this in Channels?
As we're 75 miles from the tower, I also use the PBS docker on the same Pi. It's got a built-in http port where Channels can grab its info. Is it possible to do the same thing for the TWiT guide data file?
That’s not necessary, just link directly to the XML file that is generated, via its full pathname. Here’s mine, kinda. You get the gist:
ChannelsDVR is running on a Mac Mini... but I suppose I could mount the RPi as an smb drive.
CDVR is on my Mac Mini too. Then again, so is docker and portainer. I find this consolidated server much easier to manage then relying on one of my Raspberry Pi’s for any guide data.
I've added support to the olivetin-for-channels project to be able to pull guide data on demand or on a regular schedule. This custom version of OliveTin has a number of other scripts & tricks for Channels DVR.
More here:
No more 24/7 livestream from TWiT
Details here: Looking for Live Content?
Due to costs associated with hardware and software used to provide the TWiT live stream 24/7 to multiple streaming providers, TWiT has made the difficult decision to end its always-on live stream.
As of November 13, 2023, we will no longer stream re-runs while not doing live production. We will strive to stream on YouTube as often as possible during live production of some of our shows. If you wish to watch any pre-show setup and post-show discussions, these will now be exclusive to full Club TWiT members via our Club TWiT Discord server. (Discord access is not available with any discounted single-show subscriptions.) Hosts who choose to participate with chat will now do so via Discord.
Hopefully they'll keep putting up YouTube Live streams when they're recording, so the Kister Method and our guide data can keep recording it...
Can you provide details on how to do this for a novice?
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