YouTubeTV TVE failing: This browser or app may not be secure

so just setup the docker channels instance on the synology instead of the synology package to test?

Could do it two ways.
#1 Leave the Synology Package running and install the docker using a different port and pointing to a different DVR recording folder.
#2 Stop the Synology Package, install the docker using the same port and DVR recording directory as the Synology Package used.

If you use #2, you can Stop the Docker Container and Start the Synology Package, or Stop the Synology Package and Start the Docker Container and either one will record to your existing directory.
Before switching from one to another, backup, then switch, then restore. This keeps the settings and current library items synced between the Synology Package and the Docker Container.

In either case, when installing the Docker Container you'll want to use /volume1/docker/channels-dvr
Here's what I did.
Backup your current Channels DVR Server.
Change this line to use your actual DVR recording directory (mine is /volume1/ChDVRtve)
--volume /volume1/ChDVRtve:/shares/dvr
And change this line to your correct time zone
--env TZ=America/Los_Angeles

create directory
docker pull fancybits/channels-dvr:tve
docker run \
 --detach \
 --env TZ=America/Los_Angeles \
 --name=channels-dvr \
 -p 8089:8089 \
 --restart=unless-stopped \
 --device /dev/dri:/dev/dri \
 --volume /volume1/docker/channels-dvr:/channels-dvr \
 --volume /volume1/ChDVRtve:/shares/dvr \

Restore from the latest backup you made.
Then in the Channels web UI you set the recording directory to /shares/dvr when running the Docker Container, which maps to the actual directory on the Synology you record to.
You would just have to delete and recreate the guide database (if it doesn't do it for you).

Of course you want to make sure you update to latest prerelease on each one of the two.

so had some issues with docker on synology but pulled out my old rpi4 i used before synology and updated to latest with updated chrome.
Same exact issues with yttv and directv stream.
so i think safe to say for me it isnt the synology
everything was working last week its odd


What version of chrome is the rpi4 install running?

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synology is

Also appears something else is going on with rpi4 and yttv


Slightly unrelated but directv stream stopped working too wth an auth error.
to me it looks like its trying to authenticate to nbc and cannot gets an error on the adobe login
YT is always an issue with secure browser

There are users reporting it works on their Synology package install and others saying it doesn't and they had to run it in docker on their Synology for it to work. I don't recall seeing anyone saying it works on their rpi4.

also with other sources? yttv i get is the known issue with secure browser, directv is the one that i cant figure out.

just yttv that i've seen

It’s become a crapshoot.

Is that running in a container, or just on the RPi4?
What version of chrome is it running now?

its just on an rpi4

its just strange this pi has exact issues synology with 2 sources

I meant @Suds

Since google controls both chrome and yttv, there is all sorts of info they can get from a browser that we don't even know about. Lookup browser fingerprinting and device fingerprinting for a start.

i spun up a docker on a debian VM same issues.
yttv i get the login screen problem, so i think yttv is just dead.
directv auth401

now suddenly yttv is adding on both my new vm and the pi4 but not synology. Strange.
DTV still wont though


It’s running on a RPi4, no docker. Chrome version is 117.0.5938.62

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I decided to install Channels DVR on a Mac Mini (how I used to run it) and during the install it ask for my sources and I entered YouTube TV (after installing Chrome Browser in App Folder) and it failed with the same error. After the install (which actually never ended with blue bar far right) I decided to login to my Google Account in the Chrome Browser and try again. I connected to DVR (with Chome) which was running and added the YouTube TV Source and it worked. So to get working on the Mac I needed to login to the browser first. Is there any way to do this on a Synology NAS without a Linux Desktop? I do not really have a problem running Channels DVR on my Mac Mini since I really do not use it for anything else.

A Synology NAS is headless and is administered through its DSM (DiskStation Manager) web interface.
I don't know of any way to use the chromium installed by Channels DVR on it as a web browser.

Just to be clear I was not asking about using the Chrome Browser on Synology NAS. My question was how to simulate the problem with NOT being logged into the browser when trying to use Channels DVR on a machine where you do not have desktop access like in this case where YouTube TV login does not work because of it.