• Improved internal event handling
IMPROVED: Personal Media supports movies with year in square brackets
FIXED: Virtual channels could have empty art
• FIXED: Running resource intensive troubleshooting checks multiple times would cause incorrect speed test results
• IMPROVED: Better error message when trying to upgrade the DVR and the latest symlink cannot be removed
• IMPROVED: Accuracy of Disk IO read statistic by reducing repeated reads to try to limit the impact of OS caches
FIXED: EDL export option was causing commercials to be overwritten when refreshing metadata
• UPDATED: Troubleshooting now warns when a DNS ad blocker is being used that could impact TV Everywhere streaming
• IMPROVED: Error messages when TVE streams are blocked by DNS ad blockers
• IMPROVED: Troubleshooting will alert if the router external IP is in the CGNAT IP space that would prevent port forwarding
• IMPROVED: Diagnostic log message when a scheduled job is unscheduled due to it being removed from the guide data
• FIXED: Sometimes the Welcome screen would never go away without refreshing
• UPDATED: Internal TVE updates