Non-Docker source for PlutoTV and Stirr m3u playlists and EPG

Unfortunately it’s not. Matt is using a different endpoint, that’s how his m3u manages to get the Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune channels:

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Yup. I get:

{"statusCode":401,"error":"Unauthorized","errorCode":"BearerTokenRequired","message":"bearer token required"}

How does one get a bearer token?

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Hmm, is that this? Accessing Pluto data programmatically

Otherwise, perhaps @matthuisman can share information about it.

Wrong Pluto, that one is

I did some limited searching and only found API's used in projects at github

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data = s.get('', params=PLUTO_PARAMS).json()
s.headers.update({'authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(data['sessionToken'])})

pluto params are just the usual

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@maddox, can the same be applied to the Pluto Docker?


I just realized Pluto guide doesn't offer the record option on my client. I never checked this or recorded from Pluto yet. So not sure if this is normal or I have a problem. All my other guides have record option.
I'm using the the file and guide setup info from the beginning of this chain. Any feedback appreciated. Thx

If setup correctly you should be able to record from Pluto. Usually when there is no record option presented there is a problem with the guide data. If you are getting guide blocks with one long block with the channel’s name then guide data is missing. Revisit post one and verify the guide data url is correct in your settings. Then choose the maintenance drop down under guide database and select delete and recreate guide database.

Thanks for replying.
I have the following setup addresses:
The guide populates and displays correct show info. And I had already tried reloading guide from the server. I'am using the beta version so not sure if that could be a problem.

Try doing a Redownload XMLTV for the source

Updating to 2023.09.21.2256 did the trick. I should have known better. #1 reboot #2 check for updates.
Thanks all for the extremely quick reply's . Such a great product that focuses on customer experience.


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: DVRDrive

Just in case, always worth a reminder about how recordings work with Pluto:

I got Pluto to work in Channels but where do I get the so-called m3u codes to enter in the Space provided to make these streaming services work. No wheres is there a place to look to add these strings of codes. I see multiple posts with extremely complicated programming strings that are miles long. The streaming services I want to connect to Channels are: Xumo, Freevee, Freecable TV, Tubi, DistroTV, Philo, SingTV. Where is the magic place to look to find out what needs to be entered in the space provided under "TV Anywhere" in the Channels server?

The closest to a magic place is this:

Some of the sources require the use of Docker.
It's all detailed in the links.

Only Philo and Sling can be added easily as TVE. Some of the rest can be added as Custom Channels.

thank you for doing this. I have contributed on Paypal

Awesome! Thank you.

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Is there something wrong with the Pluto feed? About half of the channels have disappeared.

Maybe because the guide data xml is listing October 2021 airings?

And the files aren't refreshing at
Files last updated: Fri, 10 Nov 2023 12:04:18 -0500