TVE - Discovery networks not tuning?

Just updated to 2021.08.31.1732 but still isn’t working for me.

The email I got from Discovery is below. I replied that that link works but not the science channel url. I even tried AT&T as the provider on the site but no luck. I called DirecTV to let them know.

I should also note DirecTV is clueless so don’t bother calling them. Spent an hour on the phone for nothing.

Jason (Discovery Digital TVE)

Aug 31, 2021, 8:46 EDT

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out.

This error usually occurs if your TV provider is experiencing server issues, or your current package does not include the network. Let's try a few steps and see if the error remains:

  1. Sign out and sign back into the SCI GO app/site.
  2. Visit a different network. Navigate to the Discovery GO site and sign in. Do you receive a similar error? Here's the link:
  3. When signing in, are you able to type in your Username and Password or do you select your TV Provider and are automatically signed in?

Try this and let me know what happens.



Discovery, Inc. Fan Relations


Just an update.
Lost Science Channel today with the "not in you package" error. Also lost all the other networks on science Contacted support and followed their suggestions.
Step 2 was to go to
Logged in without issue selecting Directv Stream as provider and was successful watching live TV. Picking any of the other networks required re-linking TV Provider. All other networks that I looked at Directv Stream as a provider with the exception of Science Channel. Hopefully, that'll be corrected soon.

Edit update: All back working again (5:00 pm CDT)

I tried this, selecting Directvstream. It let me log in but still nothing would play. All channels say they are not in my package.

DIY and SCI are now properly authenticating with DirecTV. Woohoo

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All working here again too. :slightly_smiling_face:

Haven't heard anything about the auth for Discovery networks going back to Science channel.

Is it still recommended to delete the chromedata folder?

Deleting the ChromeData finally gave me all the Discover Channels

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I guess that answers my question.
That was the only way I could get my Discovery Networks channels back after their auth expired.
Once I reauthed them and verified they can stream, I deleted the chromedata folder again.

Wish there was a way to know when the auth is going to expire for each channel.
I don't know, but assume there's some domain or site cookie in chrome with an expiration date or time. If only one could examine that. Hate to wait until a recording fails and would prefer to proactively reauth as soon as they expire.

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this is impacting Discovery, Food Network, HGTV, TLC, Travel Channel.

For me, I have Hulu Live and YouTube TV subscriptions. All the Discovery channels have disappeared today.

I updated to prelease on Sat version 2022.09.17... and the channels were slow to tune in, but today I updated to 2022.09.18... and the channels won't tune and I tried to recreate my Hulu tuner and they wont even find any of the Discovery group channels.

I removed my email login from the log snip for privacy reasons...

2022/09/19 14:46:42.799990 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:46:43.800700 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:46:43.800781 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:46:44.770695 [TVE] action=wait_for_interstitial err=timeout
2022/09/19 14:46:44.770780 [TVE] action=fill_form u=<<>>
2022/09/19 14:46:44.774219 [TVE] action=screenshot
2022/09/19 14:46:44.874176 [TVE] action=screenshot size=17760
2022/09/19 14:46:44.874275 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:46:44.874311 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:46:44.913510 [TVE] action=capture_html
2022/09/19 14:46:44.923224 [TVE] action=capture_html size=88124
2022/09/19 14:46:44.923763 [TVE] action=script_error err=&runtime.ExceptionDetails{ExceptionID:1, Text:"Uncaught", LineNumber:9, ColumnNumber:5, ScriptID:"231", URL:"", StackTrace:(*runtime.StackTrace)(0xc0001e7d40), Exception:(*runtime.RemoteObject)(0xc001673b90), ExecutionContextID:0, ExceptionMetaData:easyjson.RawMessage(nil)} exp=&runtime.RemoteObject{Type:"string", Subtype:"", ClassName:"", Value:easyjson.RawMessage{0x22, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6d, 0x20, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x22}, UnserializableValue:"", Description:"", WebDriverValue:(*runtime.WebDriverValue)(nil), ObjectID:"", Preview:(*runtime.ObjectPreview)(nil), CustomPreview:(*runtime.CustomPreview)(nil)} exp_value="no login form found"
2022/09/19 14:46:45.038157 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6101: TVE: "no login form found"

when scanning for channels.... (again remove email from logs)

2022/09/19 14:52:29.829360 [TVE] Channel scan 71/213 DISCOVERY failed: "no login form found"
2022/09/19 14:52:30.016759 [TVE] action=error_response type=Other error=net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME url=
2022/09/19 14:52:30.019037 [TVE] action=version product=Chrome/89.0.4389.114 jsVersion= protocol=1.3 revision=@1ea76e193b4fadb723bfea2a19a66c93a1bc0ca6
2022/09/19 14:52:30.020053 [TVE] action=mock
2022/09/19 14:52:30.028494 [TVE] action=navigate url=
2022/09/19 14:52:30.030237 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=
2022/09/19 14:52:30.030287 [TVE] action=auth_domain
2022/09/19 14:52:30.030297 [TVE] action=scienceauth reason=login
2022/09/19 14:52:30.108649 [TVE] action=wait_for_page
2022/09/19 14:52:36.360610 [TVE] action=page_ready
2022/09/19 14:52:36.360685 [TVE] action=wait_for_page done=true reason=page_ready
2022/09/19 14:52:38.360924 [TVE] action=click_interstitial
2022/09/19 14:52:38.364445 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:38.364510 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:52:38.364545 [TVE] action=wait_for_interstitial
2022/09/19 14:52:39.365211 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:39.365268 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:52:40.366196 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:40.366274 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:52:41.367129 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:41.367219 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:52:42.368093 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:42.368216 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:52:43.369161 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:43.369416 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:52:44.370237 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:44.370296 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:52:45.385901 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:45.411097 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:52:46.372284 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:46.372336 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:52:47.373590 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:47.373665 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:52:48.375377 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:48.375427 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:52:49.376226 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:49.376283 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:52:50.376384 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:50.404621 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:52:51.377622 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:51.377722 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:52:52.378174 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:52.378230 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:52:53.379228 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:53.379284 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:52:54.380691 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:54.380740 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:52:55.396179 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:55.417551 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:52:56.382551 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:56.383109 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:52:57.383418 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:57.383785 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:52:58.384385 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:58.384458 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:52:59.385268 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:52:59.385323 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:53:00.386672 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:53:00.416953 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:53:01.387039 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:53:01.387337 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:53:02.387976 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:53:02.388610 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:53:03.389459 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:53:03.389515 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:53:04.390422 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:53:04.390923 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:53:05.391250 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:53:05.427138 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:53:06.392163 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:53:06.392471 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:53:07.393209 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:53:07.393278 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:53:08.365298 [TVE] action=wait_for_interstitial err=timeout
2022/09/19 14:53:08.365359 [TVE] action=fill_form
2022/09/19 14:53:08.368936 [TVE] action=screenshot
2022/09/19 14:53:08.458549 [TVE] action=screenshot size=17760
2022/09/19 14:53:08.459461 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2022/09/19 14:53:08.459512 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: waiting [input=true buttons=0]"
2022/09/19 14:53:08.501236 [TVE] action=capture_html
2022/09/19 14:53:08.510967 [TVE] action=capture_html size=88124
2022/09/19 14:53:08.511443 [TVE] action=script_error err=&runtime.ExceptionDetails{ExceptionID:1, Text:"Uncaught", LineNumber:9, ColumnNumber:5, ScriptID:"231", URL:"", StackTrace:(*runtime.StackTrace)(0xc00178c840), Exception:(*runtime.RemoteObject)(0xc0015882d0), ExecutionContextID:0, ExceptionMetaData:easyjson.RawMessage(nil)} exp=&runtime.RemoteObject{Type:"string", Subtype:"", ClassName:"", Value:easyjson.RawMessage{0x22, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6d, 0x20, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x22}, UnserializableValue:"", Description:"", WebDriverValue:(*runtime.WebDriverValue)(nil), ObjectID:"", Preview:(*runtime.ObjectPreview)(nil), CustomPreview:(*runtime.CustomPreview)(nil)} exp_value="no login form found"

I am also on Hulu Live TV sub and I just checked all 5 of those channels and they appear to be working fine here at this moment.

Server Version 2022.09.18.1926

EDIT: I wonder if parts of the Hulu Live TVE service were down today.

thanks for replying here. but for me, it is not working for both Hulu and YouTube TV

I uninstalled Channels completely, rebooted and then reinstalled and restored from backup from 5 days ago when all was good. still could not tune in.

I then unistalled again, rebooted and installed a new Channels without restore. still could not tune in.

I reinstalled again and this time I did restore from backup. but still not tuning just the Discovery package.

after looking at my QNAP NAS (TS-253Be) I noticed the firmware updated to v5.0.1.2145. I remember it being on v5.0.0.(something). so I downgraded the firmware back to rebooted. when the server came online again with v5.0.0.2131 I was able to open all the Discovery channels once again.

so, it seems for me QNAP recent firmware v5.0.1 is a failure with Channels on this.

i've turned off the auto firmware update completely. I thought I did before so maybe I did something and did not notice it.

I'm all good for now. thank you all.

If I were on a QNAP (and I'm not) I wouldn't downgrade the version after all the issues with it being such an easy attack surface. Not even to gain Discovery Networks.
Just my opinion.

Good Luck!

I'm getting errors with multiple Discovery Networks channels, but not all, through TVE with Xfinity. I checked the websites manually and the stream is active and working. I can also tune into other TVE channels like TBS and ESPN without issue. The error I get at home is "tuner unreachable"; away from home, I get a 500 Internal Server Error. The fact that some Discovery Network channels work and others do not lead me to believe it is not an Xfinity authorization issue, my account is "viewer only" and does not have 2FA, and as I stated I am able to log in manually on the Network sites and stream without issue. I am running my server on a mac mini with AppleTV as client. Rescanning channels did not fix the problem.

You will need to update your DVR to the version with the fix.


Updated to pre-release 2022.10.01.1300 and that appears to have resolved the issue!

Well I now seem unable to authorize these TVE channels from HULU live. They use to work and now they do not. When I try and reauthorize any of them HULU sends me via email an activation code that is "GOOD" for 5 mins! These all seem to be DISCOVERY properties. Any hope to be able to have them back on channels?

6101 DISCOVERY Cable provider authentication failed

6102 FOOD Cable provider authentication failed

6103 ANIMAL-PLANET Cable provider authentication failed

6104 HGTV Cable provider authentication failed

6105 TLC Cable provider authentication failed

6106 TRAVEL Cable provider authentication failed

6107 INVESTIGATION-DISCOVERY Cable provider authentication failed

6108 DIY

Cable provider authentication failed

6109 COOKING-CHANNEL Cable provider authentication failed

6110 SCIENCE Cable provider authentication failed

6111 AHC Cable provider authentication failed

6112 DESTINATION-AMERICA Cable provider authentication failed

6113 DISCOVERY-LIFE Cable provider authentication failed

6114 MOTORTREND Cable provider authentication failed

This is the email I get from HULU when I try to reauthorize ...

Your Verification Code

Hi George,

Here is your one-time verification code.


This verification code can only be used once, and will expire in 5 minutes.

If you did not make this request, please contact our Viewer Experience team for further assistance.

The Hulu Team


I was having problems as well with Discovery channels not logging in. So I tried to login to my hulu account via the hulu website. They forced me to change my password as soon as I logged in. This is most likely the same problem you are having where your password has expired via hulu and will no longer login to those networks. So go to your hulu account. Change your password. Wait a few hours. Then change your password in channels to your new password and re-authenticate your channels. Hope it works for you. It did for me.

All of those channels are Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD). They have been shuffling their servers between different CDNs, and most everyone is affected. You are not alone, but this is not something that is easily addressed. Either it is an issue on their end (which means there is nothing to be done but wait), or it is more of the moving target they have created for the past month, and just wait for developer acknowledgement.

Well Now to report that I upgraded to a pre-release Version
2022.11.07.0210 and that fixed the problem with the WBD channels - they all work now but I lost NYC channel 4 NBC and 5 FOX! They do not even show up in the lineup at all! I tried rescanning the channels but I get the same thing no NBC and no FOX via TVE. I use to be I be able to click the "+ RESCAN NEW CHANNELS" button and that would find missing TVE channels and add them but for a long long time now no matter what version DVR I am on it just fails and closed the window and I have to refress the browser. Does that button work for anyone else still?