Experimental: Local Networks (NBC, ABC, FOX) in some major metros via TVE

Working in St. Louis

Did you send them the logs using the support button on top of the web settings page? They have fixed any issues I have had very quickly doing that.

Does Fox work with your credentials at Fox.com?

it came back at some point in the past few days. didn't help me watch the all star game, though.

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Lost ABC in the Atlanta market with Directv Stream.

Troubleshooting: Toggling Local networks via TVE
Rescan the channel in Sources

Error: abcgo: 1037:Unable to retrieve required files for playback. Please try again in a few minutes.

ABC App works (iOS and TvOS)
ABC Website works from safari and mobile safari on my home network same network as channels server.

Diagnostics: af1273f9-e9cc-4df2-9736-e10c24c4f453

Cross posting for more visibility here:

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So I tried this and don't know what I am supposed to get back. But it is reporting the state of Georgia, which is correct. On my phone I had private relay enable and it was reporting California. But my Mac has that disabled and thus reporting Georgia.

I have tried in chrome and safari browsers and get the same results. I have also tried toggling the TVE switch off/on in both safari and chrome in normal and incognito modes. I still don't get ABC with the same error.

I thought I remember seeing something on one of the channels with a ticker about DirecTV.

Are you one of these on this list.

Ok, I have tinkered with this feature off and on for over 2 months but have never been able to get it working. I always get some form of "failed to retrieve location" message. I used https://geolocation.onetrust.com/cookieconsentpub/v1/geo/location and it is returning my country and state correctly but nothing more specific. I can log into ABC, FOX, and NBC with my TVE credentials and view live streams of my local stations. I am not running a VPN or local ad block. I have changed every setting I know about on Safari and Chrome (I thought it may be using chrome to fetch geolocation but from reading this thread it appears to be the browser you are using to adjust settings). Any help would be appreciated.

It's hit or miss all the time. My local ABC and CBS and even FOX appear and disappear seemingly randomly at different times. One never knows if you can watch any of them at any given time, let alone record something. It's frustrating but assume it has something to do with geolocation and the provider reading and perhaps my internet provider as well. End of the day, no one is going to fix anything. It works fine for the local NBC and that's the one I generally watch so it works for me but it sucks to not have the other locals reliably available and able to record with them.

EDIT: My internet and TV provider is Mediacom in Wisconsin (SW) if it matters

So I am still not able to get my Local ABC channel with this feature. When I do a channel scan I get:

WVPI - which is Philadelphia ABC channel.

I'm supposed to get WSB-TV in atlanta, which I have gotten before and it went away.

If I go to ABC Live Stream - ABC.com I authenticate with my DirecTVStream credentials I get the right channel streamed live.

I am also having issues with my ABC. Channels tries and fails to stream WUTV which is out of Syracuse, NY. My abc.com login gives me my local, WTNH out of New Haven, CT as well as WABC out of NYC.

Sent logs and an email, heard nothing back.

I also noticed I can get Fox 5 out of NYC using my Youtube TV login, but channels doesn't even show it as a possibility.

This feature is experimental and doesn't always work.

You can try updating to prerelease and uncheck/recheck the experimental option. It may help with the ABC issues.


Oh I get its experimental, totally understand why its not perfect.

The pre-release server did solve my ABC issue.

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Was on this release: 2022.11.09.1733
I tried multiple times. Found the fix for me. My mesh network Eero has Ad blocking on for the network. I changed it so the Channels DVR computer was exempt from the Ad Filter.

ABC is working now.

I'm running 2022.11.15.1908 server on Mac OS; have tried disabling Local Networks via TV Everywhere and re-enabling over https with location several times (while logged in/streaming from https://www.fox.com/live/channel/KTVU/) but FOX is still not present in Channels DVR. Is there anything I can do to fix it?

Have you tried while Fox is on the air broadcasting? Somewhere in this or another thread I've read that can help.

Others also having issues

I couldn't get mine to work for a couple of weeks and then it started working again.

I have had to fix my FOX station almost daily. I think we are just at the mercy of them making changes.

I'm in the Philadelphia TV market and have been using Channels DVR with an HDHR Flex to get my locals. The local broadcast changes caused by the FCC repack made CBS spotty and unreliable in bad weather and eliminated ABC reception. We didn't didn't really care about the loss of ABC until the NFL scheduled a Monday night Eagles game for Sept 19 on ABC. So in early September I signed up with Fubo, added the lineup to Channels and clicked the Experimental checkbox to enable Local Networks via TV Everywhere.

Local TVE under Fubo has worked perfectly for us since day 1. We record/watch the news on Fubo ABC daily; watch Fubo CBS more and more as the OTA reception gets worse and worse; and watch Fubo Comet because the quality of the signal is so much better than the bit-starved OTA sub-channel. I ended up keeping Fubo because in addition to the locals I got hooked on the sports availability. Aside from MNF, I got to watch all the MLB-NL playoffs -- Phillies went to the World Series.

So I can say that in the Philadelphia market, TVE Fubo and Local Network TVE Fubo has worked perfectly under Channels DVR. I've never had to reauthorize since I originally set it up.