Manual Recording with no ComSkip

The option for pre-selecting channels (UK) to not comskip would be good... yes please.

Yes, that would work for me. The only reason I don't ComSkip is because it doesn't work at all on some channels, and is not needed on PBS where there are no commercials.

I didn't get a chance to add a UI for this today, but the API backend is there in the next prerelease.

For example, if channel 1009 is PBS:

curl -XPUT http://x.x.x.x:8089/comskip/ignore/channel/1009


Great! I just added 5 channels. I'll see what happens in a few hours.


I added Channel ID's and it did not seem to work. Then I added real channel numbers and it now seems to work.

Is there a way to remove the wrong numbers I put in?

Thanks much for this WONDERFUL feature.


Did you try
curl -XDELETE http://x:8089/comskip/ignore/channel/1009

I never used -XDELETE before, so I gave it a try. It reports success no matter what I send, so there is no way to know if it actually did anything.


What about GET /comskip/ignore/channel? Or any path further up the chain?

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I haven't used that new option yet, but check settings, they should be in there.
I just verified that's where they are

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Yet another problem solved. Yet another thing learned.

You guys are GREAT!

Awesome. I was just thinking about this the other day. Hoping for the UI portion soon :slight_smile:

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Any updates on adding a UI for this? I would like to disable ComSkip for all my ATSC 3.0 channels.


As referenced further up in the thread, you can do this for each ATSC3 channel:

But no, there is not a UI for this yet.


I just tried after upgrading to the fastest beta by using:
and got:
404 Not Found

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You made sure to use the PUT method, yes? A GET request (the default if you don't specify one) would indeed return 404.

having never used curl, this took some reading and then I tried:
curl -method put http://dvr:8089/comskip/ignore/channel/840

This appears to be valid
what is the opposite of "ignore"?

Thank you. I'm going to kick off a recording to check the for the desired effect before doing lots of channels

If you mean, "How do you reverse the process?", the answer is use the DELETE method at the same endpoint.

curl -XDELETE http://dvr:8089/comskip/ignore/channel/840

Thank you,

Apparently curl options are different on Windows yet now that I learned curl it's easy for me to translate. My test confirmed operation and I've the rest of my premium channels.

Have a happy new year!


You can use curl.exe on windows which is included and works the same way.

Without the exe it uses powershell's IWR (Invoke-WebRequest)

Thank you,

The back story on why this is would be interesting.

Have a Happy New Year,
