I have searched these forms and see a few comments on "rate limit" but it seems to varry for most. Some say they can only authorized 2 channels ever day or so. but that after they sucessfuly add the tve source.
my issue is that Channels DVR will not even add it as a source anymore, so i can't later, over time, go in and do the pencil icon and manualy scan each channel.
What or how do you think i got hit with rate limit? or why did comcast flag the account for review and force password change? my mother been watching tv continualsy, recording many things, but far as I understand TVE, none of that usage is visible to the tve provider.
She did tell me that she was getting some error sometime the other day...so this may have started happeing sooner than i noticed.
When i first noticed it, all the Comcast tve channels were already not working, (i have a mix of Philo and Comcast) so when i was going channel to channel, to test them, (i have done that before several times before with no issues) some channles, the Philo provided ones, loaded fine.
It was then i noticed at 2:55pm, the "we noticed an issue with your Xfinity profile, please change password" email. i logged in, changed it fine.
Then i tried the CLI thing to change the TVE pass....and restarted Channels server...did not work. Same auth timeout. so i then deleted Xfinity as tve source, and went to re-added it...and now can't.
I even tried another secondary account, same issue.
I logged into to the Owners Xfinty portal, and made a new user, just like mine for TVE use, tried that. nope.
Even tried the owners login, and Channels said auth time out.
That then triggered their account to need a password reset....which will no work, errors out at the part where u have to verify your street address.
Seems any Xinfity account i try to add to Channels DVR, Comcast is forcing a password reset...or something.
If it is some sort limit or time out i need to wait for it to alow me again,....how long should i wait until i try to add it in again? does each time i try it, reset the clock?