I am able to use TVE with my server running on Debian 12. About the same as Hulu, but I do suppliment with Philo and Frndly
Glad to hear that you were able to get YTTV working for mostly the sports networks. Philo and FRNDLY can handle the non-spports stuff.
Added ADB Tuner and have Get comedy and TV One.
When i had YTTV i wa in the process of replacing the Tvland stuff with stufff from ADB due to the way commercial breaks are handled.
Glad to hear a good update.
I'm trying to setup YTTV on my Channels DVR which I'm running on a QNAP server. Unfortunately I'm getting blocked. The following error msg is in the logs. "Auth failed for YouTubeTV: Blocked by Google: This browser or app may not be secure".
Any suggestions for resolving this error?
The problem with YTTV has been happening for months.
did you try installing the latest pre-release software?
I just tried installing pre-release 2024.05.22.1908 and I'm still getting blocked by Google.
Here is what the developers have said about the issue. Nothing new since December.
A few sticky threads discussing it.
How are you getting frndly tv into Channels DVR without TVE?
I got TVE through YTTV to work first try. Will it fail at some point?
Mine hasn't.
I use Windows and have never used docker.
There is a way to do it without Docker, if you don't mind installing Python.
Look for "No Docker" on this page:
I have Python. Haven't used it in a while.. I'll take a gander at your links. Thanks!
Unfortunately the only fix i know if is to create a gmail account specifically for channels and don't enable 2fa.
I found using one of the other options including ADBTuner to be the best option.
For some users it works, for others it doesn't.
Some users are able to make it work running in a docker container, but for other users that doesn't work.
I believe Aman's statement here
Also, see Eric's post
If/When they figure it out, it will be posted
I finally got YouTube TV to work with Channels on my Synology NAS (1513+).
SOLUTION: I used Synology Quick Connect to access the NAS, added a new Gmail account with just the username and password for security, and added YouTube TV to Channels. I have received most of the YouTube channels, except for a few, like CMT.
NEW ISSUE: I wanted to watch the local news on the West Coast, so I gave it a West Coast zip code when I set up the account on YouTube TV. When I watch the YouTube TV app on Apple TV, with the Express VPN set to Seattle, WA, I can watch the local news on the West Coast without issues. But watching the West Coast news with Channels gives me my Texas local news.
NOTE: Express VPN (Seattle, WA) was installed on the Synology NAS when I added YouTube TV to the Channels.
Any thoughts?
CMT (and other channels from the Paramount group) is not available with TV Everywhere anymore.
Were you still on your network when you accessed it? How does accessing it different change the result? Are you using channels in docker?